More about Cathy as a Teacher, a Person, and a Professional

Teaching Style

·       Learned-centered
·       Interactive
·       Innovative
·       Research-based
·       Reflective
·       Eclectic


·       Passionate
·       Expressive
·       Responsible
·       Responsive

Professional Presentations

·       “Ensenanza de Idiomas: Confianza Mas Comunicacion”
§  Puebla, Mexico
§  For teachers of Spanish as a second language at Centro Zacatlan

·       “Developing High-Interest Content-Based Units for ESL”
§  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
§  WITESOL conference

·       “Using Popular Movies with Beginning Level Language Learners”
§  Madison, Wisconsin
§  WITESOL conference

·       “Working with ESL Writers”
§  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
§  For University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee writing instructors and tutors

·       “Advising Non-Native Speakers of English”
§  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
§  For University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee academic advisors


·       Native Language: English
·       Strong Second Language: Spanish (Latin American style)
·       Basic knowledge: Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, French, Italian, Catalan

Technology Skills

Extensive experience

·       Microsoft Office: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access
·       Windows
·       PDF
·       Printers/Photocopiers/ Scanners
·       LCD projectors
·       Internet
·       Desire 2 Learn (D2L, similar to Blackboard)
·       PAWS (Panther Access to Web Services, similar to INFOnline)
·       Google (including Gmail, Images, Maps, Calendar)
·       Wikipedia (including Simple English language)
·       Blogging
·       Facebook


·       Blackboard
·       Blackboard Collaborate
·       Smartboard
·       Dropbox
·       Jing
·       Wimba
·       Audacity
·       Twitter
·       Wikis

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