Cathy Kaye’s Teaching Demonstration

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Activity selected: “Fighting a Cold” (Culture video presented above “Medical Advice.” Click on the video photo, not “Medical Advice,” to access video activity.) Link to specific activity on blog:

Goal: Improve student’s ability to communicate in English (aided by non-verbal cues) about health

Objective: Student will watch and understand video about treating a cold.

Student level: intermediate to advanced (Level 4, 5 or 6 at MATC)

Context: This plan is intended for individual learning in the Workshop, but it could be easily adapted for use with a group of students.


·       Vocabulary preview: What happens when you have a cold? What do you do?
·       Preview video: Where is he?
·       Can you understand what someone says even when you don’t understand every word?
·       Student may watch as many times as desired.
·       Student may read script, then take quiz.
·       Ask student about video and ideas in video.


·       Watch related videos on You Tube: Unit 6 Learn English 4 Inquiring about Health, The Doctor and the Patient 
·       Ask people in English (use gestures if that helps you communicate) what they do to treat a cold.
·       Write a report about what you think and what you have learned about treating a cold.

Tracking student’s progress:

·       Compare student’s ability to talk about colds at beginning of lesson and at end of lesson.

·       Student writing also provides material to track progress.